Flatland: A Romance of Many DimensionsA classic of scientific and mathematical fiction, Flatland is the story of a Square as he journeys through new dimensions. He experiences Spaceland (a universe with three dimensions), Lineland (a universe of one dimension), and Pointland ( a universe no dimensions). This work of literature looks at the world through a purely mathematical lens to help us better understand the concepts of dimension as well as the sociological implications of hierarchies. Finally, the Square dares to dream of a land with four dimensions, an incredible idea which gets him banished from Spaceland.Dimensions: 15.24 x 0.76 x 22.86 centimetres (0.24 kg)科学的、数学的なフィクションの古典であるフラットランドは、新しい次元で旅するスクエアの物語です。
寸法:15.24 x 0.76 x 22.86センチメートル(0.24 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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